A Boost account allows you to transfer your cryptoasset to Ziglu to generate yield. We use cryptoassets transferred to us at our discretion, including transferring them to selected third parties. In return, we will pay you a yield in the same cryptoasset you transferred to Ziglu.
Subject to the risks detailed further below, when you wish to remove your cryptoassets from your Boost account, the funds that will be available for withdrawal will include the entirety of the deposited cryptoasset (minus any previous withdrawals) as well as any yield that has accrued in the account.
A Boost account is a high risk product and you should not invest unless you are prepared to lose all the money you invest. When using the Boost account there are some things to remember:
- Each Boost account is provided independently, so there may be differences between them, for example the yield offered.
- A Boost account is a cryptoasset product and it is important for you to understand the unique risks that different types of cryptoassets carry. Take 2 mins to learn more to understand the risks associated with cryptoasset investments.
- Whilst there is an opportunity to earn yield with Boost, there’s also liability to consider. Ziglu may transfer your cryptoassets to selected third parties, and if such third-parties default on their obligations to Ziglu, then we may become unable to meet our obligations to you. As a result, you may get back less than you put in. We always work hard to ensure this doesn’t happen and conduct robust due diligence checks on our partners, however, we can’t eliminate this risk. You can read our Cryptoasset Summary to learn more about the specific risks of cryptoassets.
- Boost is an unregulated product and your Boost account is not subject to the same regulatory safeguarding arrangements as the funds in your cash account. You will not be protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) or Financial Ombudsman Service in the event of a financial loss
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