We don’t charge any fees for spending with your card, even when you’re spending abroad.
Getting a new card | Free |
Activating your card | Free |
Card replacement | Free |
Bank transfer | Free |
Foreign Exchange charge | Free |
ATM withdrawals | The first £250 over a rolling month is free, then 2% is charged thereafter |
Physical Card replacement fee (where card is lost, stolen, misappropriated, subjected to unauthorised use more than twice in a rolling annual period) including UK delivery |
£5 |
Physical Card replacement fee (where card is lost, stolen, misappropriated, subjected to unauthorised use more than twice in a rolling annual period) including international delivery |
£30 |
Maximum number of ATM withdrawals per day | 10 |
Max number of ATM withdrawals over 4 days | 30 |
Max value of ATM withdrawals per day | £500 |
Max number of PoS transactions per day | 50 |
Max value of PoS transactions per day | £10,000 |
Max value of PoS transaction over 4 days | £40,000 |
*PoS = Point of Sale. This includes transactions like spending with your card in the shops and making online purchases.